Your Home

We Can Help You Save Energy, Improve Comfort, and Live Sustainably

Founded in 2008, greeNEWit was one of the first energy efficiency companies in Maryland. Although we’re now one of the largest in the state servicing residential, multifamily, and commercial buildings, our roots still lie in home energy efficiency.

Our goal is to make energy efficiency convenient and approachable. With so many options of how to make your home energy efficient and so many incentives available to do so, we understand that it can all be a bit overwhelming. We’ll make it easy and provide a prioritized approach based upon your home and your needs. Take a look at the services we offer and give us a call at 866-994-7639 to schedule an appointment or get a free consultation.

Quick Home Energy Check-ups

At no cost, Check-ups include the direct installation of energy-efficient products in your home or apartment and a visual energy assessment.

Home Energy Audits

Our auditors use a comprehensive whole house approach to diagnose how your home consumes energy and identify opportunities for big savings.

Renewable Energy

Interested in switching to clean energy sources such as solar or having a say in who your supplier is? greeNEWit partners with Direct Energy Solar and Clearly Energy.